Ankle Replacement

Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Institute

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeons located in Henderson, NV

If you experience chronic ankle arthritis or pain from an injury, you may need an ankle replacement. At Orthopedic Foot & Ankle in Henderson, Nevada, board-certified orthopedic surgeon Roman Sibel, MD, can repair your ankle and relieve your pain with ankle replacement surgery using the latest advancements. To learn more, book your appointment by phone or online today.

What is an ankle replacement?

An ankle replacement is a surgical procedure that removes diseased or worn joint materials and replaces them with prosthetic parts. If you have pain and stiffness in your ankle that affects your agility and quality of life, Dr. Sibel performs ankle replacement surgery to help you gain normal function back in your ankle.

The surgery allows you to return to your daily routine with a properly functioning ankle. If you have an active lifestyle, an ankle replacement helps you get back to your favorite sports and hobbies.

When is ankle replacement needed?

Dr. Sibel only performs joint surgery when other conservative treatment options like physical therapy and medications haven’t provided long-term success. 

Your need for an ankle replacement might be caused by:

  • Infection
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Issues from a previous injury
  • Fractures around your ankle

You might not be a candidate for ankle replacement if you experience significant neuropathy, bone infections, diabetes, weight challenges, or poor muscle function in your leg.

Dr. Sibel performs a thorough exam to determine if ankle replacement is right for you.

How is ankle replacement surgery performed?

Dr. Sibel and his team are highly trained in using state-of-the-art ankle replacement systems to perform your surgery. 

The surgery involves making an incision in the front of your ankle to remove your damaged joint along with bone and cartilage. Dr. Sibel then prepares your joint surface for your new prosthetic pieces, inserts them, and tests them for your range of motion. 

The procedure maximizes your ability to move your ankle and decreases your pain as your bone fuses with the prosthesis over time, giving you highly successful results. 

What can I expect after ankle surgery?

Dr. Sibel offers you a recovery plan tailored to your needs. Most likely, you need to anticipate two weeks of elevating your ankle. You’ll also wear a walking boot that allows you to start putting pressure on your foot. At first, you can only apply partial pressure, working your way up to full pressure over time.

You also can expect to participate in physical therapy for your recovery. It increases the strength in your muscles that support your ankle joints while still offering healthy movement in your ankle.

To find out if you’re a candidate for an ankle replacement, call Orthopedic Foot & Ankle or book your appointment online today.

