Ankle Arthritis

Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Institute

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeons located in Henderson, NV

Does persistent foot and ankle pain limit your active lifestyle? At Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Institute in Henderson, Nevada, board-certified orthopedic surgeon Roman Sibel, MD, has the expertise and experience to diagnose ankle arthritis and effectively treat your condition. To schedule an evaluation, call the friendly office staff or use the online scheduling tool today.

What is ankle arthritis?

Arthritis encompasses over 100 conditions that affect your joints. The most common type is osteoarthritis — a degenerative disease that develops when the cartilage that coats the ends of your bones begins to deteriorate. As it progresses, your bones start to rub together, causing considerable pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis also cause pain and inflammation. In addition, you can develop gout when your uric acid levels are too high, which causes crystals to build up in your joints. 

Ankle arthritis attacks the joint that connects your foot to your leg, causing damage or worn out cartilage. At Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Institute, Dr. Sibel offers comprehensive treatment solutions for all types of arthritis.

What are the symptoms of ankle arthritis?

Symptoms of arthritis in your foot and ankle most commonly include:

  • Joint stiffness
  • Joint tenderness or pain
  • Redness around your joints
  • Swelling and inflammation in your joints
  • Limited mobility
  • Decreased range of motion

When you have arthritis, it’s difficult to ignore the symptoms. If it continues to worsen, you may experience difficulty bending your affected joints.

How is ankle arthritis diagnosed?

Dr. Sibel first asks you about your symptoms. He may also want to know what type of physical activities you participate in or if you stand for long periods.

He reviews your medical history and performs an exam of your ankle. As he presses on your ankle, he evaluates areas of swelling, tenderness, and warmth. He also checks your ankle’s flexibility and strength.

Diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays or an MRI, can help determine or rule out certain conditions like a dislocated joint or fractures.

How is ankle arthritis treated?

Though there’s no cure for arthritis, treatments can help manage it and alleviate your symptoms. Dr. Sibel may recommend nonsurgical treatments, such as physical therapy that can help your ankle function properly. 

He may suggest changing your diet to help you maintain a healthy weight and relieve additional pressure while on your feet. If you’re an active person, you can also reduce your symptoms by switching to low-impact activities. 

Dr. Sibel may prescribe medications, fit you for a brace, or suggest over-the-counter medications to relieve your pain. Ankle replacement may also be a solution. However, conservative options are explored first.

If you have persistent pain in your ankle, schedule an evaluation at Orthopedic Foot & Ankle online or by phone today.

