Big Toe Pain Keeping You Off your Feet? It Could Be Hallux Limitus.

Big Toe Joint Pain
Just like any other joint, arthritis can set in due to overuse or after a traumatic injury to the joint causing a dull, aching or even sharp, shooting pain. These destructive processes are usually a chronic issue and it takes time before the joint becomes consistently painful and losses functionality. You may notice slowly increasing pain that keeps you from doing what you want to do. You may also notice a lot of swelling and stiffness of the joint that makes it difficult to walk.
What Are My Options?
Luckily, there are a few treatments options. The goal is to get you back on your feet with a significant reduction or complete resolution of your pain. There are both conservative treatments and surgical interventions designed to get you the relief you need. The most important first step is seeing a foot and ankle specialist that can make a proper and accurate diagnosis of what is causing the issue since treatment can vary depending on the diagnosis.
Conservative treatments can include:
- Change in shoe wear
- Orthotics or padding
- Physical Therapy
- Steroid Injections
What if I Need Surgery?
If your case needs surgery, we have you covered! There are a few different surgeries that are effective at getting people back on their feet, doing what they love, whether that is hiking, biking, running, gardening, or if you just need to get back to work. The severity of your case will dictate which surgeryis most appropriate for you.
What Can I Expect During My Visit?
Even though it's a small toe, it is causing you a big pain. It requires a full work up. You can expect a thorough history of your health and physical exam to be performed along with x-rays of the affected foot. A discussion of your case and review of your x-rays will precede a conversation about treatment options and answers to any questions you may have.
At Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Institute we will do whatever it takes to get you back on your feet. We treat patients throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Call us at 702.997.9833 to schedule a consultation or use our Book Online tool to self-schedule an appointment with our specialists.
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